Home Business Facebook “Explore Feed” is now Available in Desktop Browsers

Facebook “Explore Feed” is now Available in Desktop Browsers


No doubt that Facebook has been all the time coming up with something interesting and exciting for the users and hence once again, Facebook has inward with the launch of “Facebook Explore Feed Feature” as meant for its users. Facebook has just newly come out with the testing of the alternative News Feed dubbed as the “Explore” feed that has been all progressed to a full roll-out and Facebook confirmed this news. The new feature was previously meant best for the mobile users in the main navigation but now Facebook has moved a step forward, and it is now available for desktop users. Facebook even state in TechCrunch that this is just the beginning of the official roll-out of the Explore feed.


Where to find Facebook Explore Feed Feature on Desktop and Mobile?

Straight away on top of the desktop, the feed is located just as on the area of the left-side sidebar, as within the “Explore” section where you find Facebook features like adding Events, Groups, as well as Pages, Moments, Saved items, and much more. In that section, you’ll see a red rocket icon section with a label “Explore Feed.” On mobile devices, Explore feed is located at the point of the main navigation under the “More” menu.

What is the purpose of Facebook Explore Feed?

The purpose behind the introduction of this feature is to discover more content on and across the social network, as well as beyond your normal friends Facebook posts and pages which you are already following. It will also assist you to get closer to any content which Facebook feels recommending that be interesting to you such as posts, articles, links, photos, and videos from other publishers or news organizations.


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