Google’s self-driving vans to hit the road by end of month
Google's Waymo will be testing their new self-driving minivans on the road at the end of January.
The Chrysler Pacifica minivans will take their first...
Why Snapchat decided to relocate its HQ to London, UK
America's post-electoral climate and ensuing anti-Trumpist paranoia seems to affect liberal tech environments. Snapchat, the multimedia-based social media platform that rose to popularity together...
Google’s AR Tango is about to Revolutionize the Art World
Google's AR Tango is about to revolutionize the way art is curated and perceived in a critical environment. GuidiGo's latest app allows visitors of...
Drone-maker Parrot layoffs a third of its Staff
Things are going downhill for Euronext-trading drone-maker Parrot. The French company, whose specialty is wireless electronics, announced it will be dismissing 1/3 of its...